
March 2017 Interactive Fire Lab Half-Month Bundle

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Join us for 3 live interactive Fire Labs plus 1 Pradosham ritual in March. Please find the details below:

Heal Your Brain and Empower Golden Age Evolution Interactive Fire Lab March 15th /16th IST: This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed for Aadhi Ganesha, the primordial human-faced form of the Archetype Ganesha. Ganesha is known for removing obstacles and is usually depicted with an elephant-headed form. However, Dr. Pillai has mentioned that Ganesha wishes to be worshiped in his original form to help accelerate the Golden Age. The enlightened Tamil siddha Agastiyar continues to worship this form of Ganesha on 4th Waning Moon days in physical or subtle form. Our Fire Lab will be conducted during a 4th Waning Moon. Everyone can use the mantra OM GUM AADHI GANESHAYA NAMAHA throughout a 4th Waning Moon day. Visualize the human-faced form of Ganesha ascending into your thalamus (a tiny part of the brain located just above the brain stem between the cerebral cortex and midbrain) to remove negative karma stored in your brain. The Fire Lab will enhance your connection to this ancient and reactivated form of Ganesha and link you to the incoming tides of the Golden Age. Join us LIVE for the Interactive Fire Lab on March 15th 8.30 pm PDT /10.30 pm EDT/ 9.00 am IST (March 16th).

Improve Your Time Management and Get Protection from Negativity Interactive Fire Lab on March 19th / 20th IST: This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed for the Archetype Kala Bhairava, a God of time, protection and a fierce remover of negativity. The Moon rules Monday and will be in the star of Jyestha. This reddish star is called the "heart of Scorpio." Jyestha is known as Antares in astronomy and is a huge star. If you placed Jyestha in our Solar System where our Sun is, its body would reach past the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars and half-way out to Jupiter. The intensity of the Moon in this star will greatly amplify prayers to Kala Bhairava.  He is associated with the 8th Waning Moon, a phase active during the Fire Lab. This is an auspicious day to invoke Kala Bhairava and sincerely seek vigorous protection from all forms of negative energies, including evil eye and jealousy from others. It is also a good time to request Kala Bhairava's help in improving your time management skills.  Join us on Live on March 19h, 8.30 pm PDT / 11.30 pm EDT/ 9.00 am IST (March 20th).
Dissolve Diseases, Destroy Fear and Diffuse Karmic Suffering on March 25th: This Karma-Dissolving Ceremony will be performed for the Archetype Shiva, the supreme dissolver of Karma. This is considered an exceptionally powerful karma-dissolving time known as Shani Pradosham, a name given when the 13th Moon falls on a Saturday. The planet Saturn is in charge of delivering our karmic suffering as well as our fear and longevity. Due to Saturn’s influences, this is an optimal time to upgrade self-esteem and diffuse the effects of our negative karma. The Moon will be in the star of Shatabishak, a star associated with healing. This energy combined with Saturn’s influences on longevity means the ceremony will enhance the body’s vital forces which support long-term health. Additionally, forces for vitality to heal diseases will be readily accessible. Join us in the Pradosham ritual on March 25th. This ritual will not be broadcasted.

Receive the Divine Light of the Primordial Being Interactive Fire Lab on March 25th / 26th IST: This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed for the Archetype Shiva, the primordial being associated with infinite compassion, power and intelligence. The day will be Sunday, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is the planet of light and intelligence and is ruled by Shiva. Shiva is also associated with the 14th Waning Moon, which will be active during the ceremony. This makes it a very effective day to connect with Shiva’s light. Shiva is considered by the Siddhas (Perfected Mystics) as the primordial being from which everything originated. His qualities are said to be that of infinite intelligence, compassion & mercy, unlimited potency, and unending bliss. With the impact of the Sun, who represents our soul, this will be an optimal time to access the Grace Light of Shiva through the Fire Lab for all around peace, prosperity and evolution toward the highest enlightenment. Join us for this Interactive fire lab via LIVE Webcast March 25th, 5.30 pm PDT / 8.30 pm EDT/ 6.00 am IST (March 26th).
March IFL 2017

Dissolve Diseases Destroy Fear and Diffuse Karmic Suffering on March 25th

This Karma-Dissolving Ceremony will be performed for the Archetype Shiva, the supreme dissolver of Karma. This is considered an exceptionally powerful karma-dissolving time known as Shani Pradosham, a name given when the 13th Moon falls on a Saturday. The planet Saturn is in charge of delivering our karmic suffering as well as our fear and longevity. Due to Saturn’s influences, this is an optimal time to upgrade self-esteem and diffuse the effects of our negative karma.

March IFL 2017

Heal Your Brain and Empower Golden Age Evolution Interactive Fire Lab March 15th /16th IST

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed for Aadhi Ganesha, the primordial human-faced form of the Archetype Ganesha. Ganesha is known for removing obstacles and is usually depicted with an elephant-headed form. However, Dr. Pillai has mentioned that Ganesha wishes to be worshiped in his original form to help accelerate the Golden Age. The enlightened Tamil siddha Agastiyar continues to worship this form of Ganesha on 4th Waning Moon days in physical or subtle form.

March IFL 2017

Improve Your Time Management and Get Protection from Negativity IFL on March 19th/20th

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed for the Archetype Kala Bhairava, a God of time, protection and a fierce remover of negativity. The Moon rules Monday and will be in the star of Jyestha. This reddish star is called the "heart of Scorpio." Jyestha is known as Antares in astronomy and is a huge star. If you placed Jyestha in our Solar System where our Sun is, its body would reach past the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars and half-way out to Jupiter.

March IFL 2017

Receive the Divine Light of the Primordial Being Interactive Fire Lab on March 25th / 26th IST

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed for the Archetype Shiva, the primordial being associated with infinite compassion, power and intelligence. The day will be Sunday, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is the planet of light and intelligence and is ruled by Shiva. Shiva is also associated with the 14th Waning Moon, which will be active during the ceremony. This makes it a very effective day to connect with Shiva’s light.

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